Wicket Fun

Wicket Fun

Gracie's Garden Totem
sold out

Gracie's Garden Totem

Cheerful Cheering

Cheerful Cheering

two mice having a picnic

Just the Two of Us

mouse dressed in a japanese kimono in the garden

Japanese Garden

Garden Spa

Garden Spa

mouse dressed as a chef

Chef Mouse

bride and groom mouse on top of a wedding cake

Wee Wedding Pair

two mice standing under a clear umbrella

Happiness with Sprinkles

Annette's Gardent

Annette's Gardent

a mouse playing ice hockey

Slap Shot

little mouse in a dress giving a flower to a mouse dressed as a police officer

My Hero


Sweet Snuggle

Warm and Cuddly

Warm and Cuddly

Sweets for My Sweetie

Sweets for My Sweetie

Finn and Fiona

Finn and Fiona

Poached Easter Eggs

Poached Easter Eggs

Happiness with Sprinkles Easter

Happiness with Sprinkles Easter

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Daddy's Little Helper (blue/pink)

Daddy's Little Helper (blue/pink)

Daddy's Little Helper (green/yellow)

Daddy's Little Helper (green/yellow)

Cooking Out for the Fourth

Cooking Out for the Fourth

A Sunny Fourth

A Sunny Fourth

Reluctant Red

Reluctant Red

mouse dressed as a witch on top of a haunted looking house

Wee Witchy's Haunt

two mice dressed for thanksgiving one in a wheelbarrow holding a pie

Pilgrim Pickup

engineer mouse in a train engine

Wonderland Express

sold out

Christmas Cabbose

santa mouse in front of a fireplace decorated for christmas

A Visit from St Nick

two mice getting ready to hang christmas lights

Merry & Bright

a three piece band of mice dressed for christmas

Oompah Band Elves

mouse figure holding two sprigs of holly

Vintage Chris-Miss


Toy Treasures


Stollen Kisses

Dala Horse Elves

Dala Horse Elves

Chris-Mouse Pageant in Miniature

Chris-Mouse Pageant in Miniature

The Ornament Express

The Ornament Express

Elf Sleigh Ride

Elf Sleigh Ride

Saint Nicholas (Highly Embellished)

Saint Nicholas (Highly Embellished)

Daring Defenders

Daring Defenders

The Little Wanders

The Little Wanders

A Gingerbread Christmas

A Gingerbread Christmas

Two Turtle Doves

Two Turtle Doves

Three French Hens

Three French Hens

Four Calling Birds

Four Calling Birds

Five Golden Rings

Five Golden Rings

Six Geese a-Laying

Six Geese a-Laying

Seven Swans a-Swimming

Seven Swans a-Swimming

Eight Maids a-Milking

Eight Maids a-Milking

Nine Ladies Dancing

Nine Ladies Dancing

Ten Lords a-Leaping

Ten Lords a-Leaping

Eleven Pipers Piping

Eleven Pipers Piping

Twelve Drummers Drumming

Twelve Drummers Drumming
